Accredited B Corp

Imbiba is proud to be an accredited B Corp business.


Certified B Corporations are companies verified as meeting the high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability. Our most challenging global problems cannot be solved by governments and non-profits alone. By harnessing the power of their business, B Corps commit to positively impact all stakeholders – workers, communities, customers, and our planet. Businesses that become B Corps perform: committed and motivated team, increased customer loyalty, higher levels of innovation, and market leadership.

Certifying to be a B Corp is a comprehensive and rigorous process - because it measures a company’s entire social and environmental performance. From supply chain and input materials to charitable giving and employee benefits, B Corp Certification verifies that a business is meeting high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

‘We are proud to join the B Corp movement and we we have spent over 18 months of diligence and hard work to ensure that our entire commercial and social structure can support an inclusive and equitable regenerative economy,’ confirmed Simon Wheeler, at Imbiba. ‘We are on a journey, and we have a long way to go, but we believe developing and implementing this strategy takes us on the right path and allows us to focus on driving change where – and how – it is needed.’

B Corps are working together to reinvent the role of business in society. Achieving certification is just the beginning and every B Corp is committed to measuring, and therefore improving, their impact. If you want to find out more, follow the B Corp Movement, or contact the Imbiba team.

Fraser Bradshaw