Farmer J

Home of the Field Tray

FARMER J, makes good food, that’s good for you. It’s ready when you are, fills you up, doesn’t require a mortgage and is never, ever boring. Rolling with the seasons, sourcing locally wherever possible and always cooking with the best ingredients. Farmer J sources locally - it’s the food he chooses to feed his growing young family, always cooking with the best.

Farmer J has already developed a strong following for their ‘build-your-own’ grab and go field trays, which are available from breakfast through to dinner and feature bold and bright Mediterranean dishes made with sustainable, seasonal ingredients. Health food and a sense of humour don’t always go hand in hand, yet Farmer J has a totally different approach, with a modern eatery which serves hearty plates of nutritious, fresh fare and does so with wit, style and attitude, living up to their tag line ‘we give a fork’.